Baby Bundles is a community outreach program that offers
assistance to families of infants and toddlers in the greater New Milford area.
The First Congregational church has sponsored this ministry for over 25 years.
We offer assistance with diapers, wipes, gently used baby items and clothing
to families who are referred into the program. To be referred into the program you
can contact New Milford Social Services, New Milford VNA and ask to be referred
to the Baby Bundles program.
The program is mainly supported by the generous donations we receive
from our congregation through the monthly offerings and through special events,
and from other churches, community organizations, school groups and individuals
in the New Milford area.
All participants who have been referred into the program can pick up diapers
on the third Wednesday of every month between 4:30-5:30 pm at the Parish House,
behind the Congregational Church, 36 Main St.
Donations of cash, diapers and wipes are gladly accepted. They can be dropped off during the
monthly distribution hour or by arrangement with the church office. If you have other items you would
like to donate, please call the church office.