
There is a Board of Deacons which includes three members elected each year for a term of three years. They are ineligible for immediate reelection. The Board of Deacons selects its own chairperson at the final meeting preceding the May general church meeting.

The Deacons assist in the preparation and administration of the Services, Ordinances and Sacraments of the church and in ministering to the welfare and spiritual needs of our Church, its ministers and this community.

The Board of Deacons is responsible for the administration of the funds of the church restricted for benevolent purposes, in consultation with the Senior Ordained Minister. They shall see to it that the pulpit is supplied in the absence of the Ordained Ministers and that the Services, Sacraments, and Ordinances of the Church are observed with regularity and reverence.

They will present to the Church the names of such as they recommend for membership. They shall be concerned with absent members and recommending revisions of the Church Rolls. The Deacons have the power to grant letters of transfer, withdrawal, or dismissal to any members who request them. The Deacons shall define and review the duties of the ordained ministers and other professional staff in accordance with personnel policies.

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