Your Support is Critical!

Our church depends on regular donations to keep operations going.   You may find the list below provides a convenient way to give to the church on a regular basis.  Payments can be weekly or monthly — or whatever schedule works for you. Mailing a check or electronic bill pay are free to you and the church while PayPal and Vanco charge a fee.

The church welcomes the support of members and visitors.  We appreciate your support.



Give by Check: With no collection plate, mail your check (do not send cash) to the church office, 36 Main St, New Milford, CT  06776. You may also drop an envelope with your donation into the mail slot in the office door.  Please check out the convenient methods described below which provide regular automatic payments.

Electronic Bill Pay:  All local banks offer electronic bill pay to customers using online services.  Links to 4 local banks are below.  Sign up for online services is required.  Instructions for each bank are available on the link provided.  Payments can be one-time or recurring.  There are no fees for this service.  You will need to add the church as a “payee”.  The bank will mail a check to the church.  Mobile apps for cellphones are heavily promoted, but are not necessary to access online banking.


Vanco Payments   Download and complete the Sign Up Form.  Return the completed form to the church for processing. This is an agreement which authorizes the church to deduct a payment from your checking account on an automatic schedule.  To send the completed form by email, scan it and email it to the Treasurer.

PayPal    Follow this link to make a credit or debit card payment to the church or use the link on the bottom of every web page.   You can create a recurring payment.  You will have to follow the link each time you want to make a donation.  Please include a statement indicating the purpose of the payment such as “operating fund pledge“.



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