Our congregation is actively involved with the Church World Service Tools Program. A great Father’s Day gift – each $10.00 gift helps Church World Service provide tools to those who have been displaced by disaster. These gifts help build sturdy homes, and livelihoods to those who use them. You can make your gift in honor or in memory of your father, grandfather or another special person in your life! Sunday June 6th, and June 13th are “Tool Sundays” where you can donate in person. There will be forms in the Meeting House for dedications. If you will not be attending live services, you can also mail your gift donations to the church office (payable to First Congregational Church with Tools noted in the memo). Please print and use the form below for any gift in honor or in memory. You can also use PayPal for your gift. Please make sure to note “Father’s Day Tools” in the note field, and if desired, mail a note to news@nmchurch.org telling us of any dedication details. Please complete the TOOL DONATION FORM
All gifts and dedications must be received by June 16thth. Tool gifts will be dedicated on Father’s Day, June 20th